Modern dentistry offers a wide range of services to make sure your teeth stay healthy, function well and look great.
To help you to preserve your natural teeth as long as possible, ensure your oral health, and keep you looking and feeling great throughout life.
To preserve natural tooth and supporting structures as long as possible
To avoid extensive and expensive procedures
Keeping original tooth for life should be your goal
You keep them by regular maintenance at home and routine visit to dental office.
To keep your tooth and gums healthy detecting problems and treating them is the most important
You need regular comprehensive oral examinations at dentist office so that you can catch early signs of dental disease and prevent them.
to keep your teeth and gums healthy you may need regular leaning
(scaling) at dental office
Dental decays are detected when we do routine cheek up
When you experience-
The classic “silver” filling in use for more than a century, dental amalgam is actually an alloy made up of mercury, silver, tin, and copper. The mercury combines with the other metals in the amalgam to make it stable and safe. These fillings are strong and inexpensive, but also quite noticeable. They also require relatively more tooth preparation (drilling) than other types.
A popular choice for those who don’t want their fillings to show, composite is a mixture of plastic and glass, which actually bonds to the rest of the tooth. Composites are more expensive than amalgam fillings, and the newer materials can hold up almost as long. Less drilling of the tooth is necessary when placing composite as compared to amalgam.
Made of acrylic and glass powders, these inexpensive, translucent fillings have the advantages of blending in pretty well with natural tooth colour and releasing small amounts of fluoride to help prevent decay. They generally don’t last as long as other restorative materials.
Once filling is done, there will be few restrictions to eating and drinking
Post procedure instructions will be given and need to fallow them completely for long term durability of your filling
Some sensitivity to hot and cold is normal in the first couple of weeks after getting a tooth filled. If it persists beyond that, or you have any actual pain when biting, it could signal that an adjustment to your filling needs to be made.
The numbness caused by your local anaesthesia should wear off within a couple of hours. Until then, it’s best to avoid drinking hot or cold liquids and eating on the side of your mouth with the new filling.
Continue to brush and floss as normal every day, and visit the dental office at least twice per year for your regular check-ups and cleanings.
Remember, tooth decay is a very preventable disease; with good oral hygiene and professional care, you can make your most recent cavity your last!
To you keep your natural teeth as long as possible, we need to prevent certain conditions developing in your oral cavity
To prevent tooth decay
As all of us know fluoride prevents tooth decay and makes your tooth stronger.
If you are not sure about drinking fluoridated water or not. its topical fluoride application at dental office regularly can prevent dental decay.
Dentist applies fluoride on all surfaces of tooth and leave it for 15 min undisturbed. You need to fallow few restrictions after the procedure.
When the tooth growing and erupting, some tooth has deep groves and fissures.
Food can getstuck in these groves and fissures, can lead to dental decay. Which can be prevented by sealing of deep grooves and fissures early without any drilling just after cleaning.
You need regular fallow up and maintenance instructions need to be fallowed
More than half of people have some issue or other with their wisdom tooth in their life time, usually there is mismatch between the teeth’s size and the jaw’s size. Smaller jaw bones coupled with bigger 3rd molar complicated the issue Most of the times they do no erupt fully or if they come out, they will be in odd position, which will be leading to food accumulation and dental decay You get this trouble usually around 18 years of age and above When wisdom teeth are impacted, there is pain associated with it Most common treatment will be removal of teeth. Removal of wisdom tooth has to be done by experienced specialist and has more restrictions after removal
It is possible to lighten the natural colour of teeth in a very effective way without removing or damaging any of the tooth surface by using a procedure called Tooth Whitening.
It may not completely change the existing shade of the tooth, but it can lighten its appearance.